Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Kara singing, "I Dreamed a Dream" for her recital in November

Kara loves the music in Les Miz.  We are excited to see the movie when it comes out on Christmas Day!!!  

Unfortunately, in this video the beginning part of the song is cut off a little bit.  And there are heads in front of us, but you get the idea.  Her voice teacher really works to help each student act out the song.  I think she did a fabulous job!!!!

Gratitude Post 25, 26 and 27

Post 25
I am so grateful for healthy food. There is such a difference in how I feel when I eat junk, opposed to healthy.
Post 26
I am grateful that Matt has a job and I do too.  After dealing with unemployment in our family this  year I am grateful we both have jobs.  

Post 27
I am so grateful for water.  It is my favorite thing to drink EVER.  I am grateful that we are privileged to have healthy drinking water.  

FYI, my blog isn't letting me add any pictures.  For some reason I need to either pay a monthly fee or maybe open a new blog.  I need to figure out what I can do, since I refuse to pay money.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Gratitude Post 22, 23 and 24

Post 22---I am grateful for  the scriptures.  I learn so much from them daily.
 Post 23---I am grateful I can pray and I know that Heavenly Father hears and answers prayers.  I am grateful for the testimony that although my prayers aren't always answered how I would like, He knows what's best.  I am grateful that when I have any kind of struggle, that I know where to turn.


Post 24   I am grateful to live so close to temples. I am grateful for the knowledge I receive when I enter this holy place.  The temple truly is a place of peace.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

The happiness of life is made up of little things––
A smile, a helping hand, a caring heart, a word of praise,
a moment of shared laughter.
We are most alive in those moments when our hearts
are conscious of our treasures.
Thornton Wilder

Each of us can look back upon someone who made a great different in our lives,
someone whose wisdom or simple acts of caring made an impression upon us.
In all likelihood, it was someone who sought no recognition for their deed,
other than the joy of knowing that, by their hand,
another’s life had been made better.
Stephen M. Wolf

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

I am Grateful for Modern Inventions---Post 21

I am so grateful for the modern inventions that make life so much easier. 
Cell phone/telephone---I love how it keeps me better connected with family, friends,  helps me stay organized,  lets me check  my library account,  and pretty much everything.
I am grateful for light bulbs.  Matt has been watching a show that is all about what happens when the electricity goes off.  It is amazing how life would change without this modern convenience.

Refrigeration---I am grateful for a place that I can keep food, left overs all in one spot. 
Washer/Dryer--I can't even imagine what it would be like to do laundry by hand. 

Heater/Air Condition-- I love that I can make my home warm during the winter months and I love that our home can stay warm during the hot days of summer.

Cars---I am so grateful for my four wheels.  Need I say more.

Internet-I love that I can research anything quickly.  Learn, connect and even shop too.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Today I am grateful for BOOKS!---Post 20

I don't think I can adequately express how much I LOVE to read.  It is by far on my top ten list of favorite things to do!   No matter the mood, if I'm bored, tired, restless, happy I almost always will CRAVE reading a book.

 I have some all time favorite books, but I couldn't list them all if I even tried,  but I also love to read a really good fiction book.  I love fiction.
Some of my all time favorite books are The Anatomy of Peace,  The Book of Mormon,  & Habits of Highly Effective People and Meeting Amazing Grace.  I actually could add more to this list, but right not I am forgetting them.  

 I actually keep  a list on Shelfari of all the books I have read because sometimes I forget and go to the library and pick up the same book again.  
  I love that I live close to a library, since I read books so fast.  I love that their are electronic books so that when I travel I don't have to carry a huge stack of books.  

I love that in our family I have two authors.  HOORAY!!!!
I am grateful to my dad, for teaching me and instilling in me a love of reading.  Both my parents were readers, but I don't think I ever saw my dad go anywhere without bringing a stack of books.   

I am grateful for the authors who  spend so much time sharing their talents.  Thank you, thank you!!!!

Monday, November 19, 2012

I am so grateful for MUSIC---Post 19

Last night I was able to attend, The Messiah in my old Sandy Central Stake. They did an amazing job!   I am so grateful for music!!! 

.Music can move me to tears or bring a big smile on my face.  I have so many memories that are tied to music.  A certain song can start playing and it brings back feelings or remembrance of an experience.
I like all sorts of music.  I love classical, opera, soft rock,  and top 40.  Honestly,  I LOVE most music.   I love how music can change the mood.  I love how music can bring the spirit so strong, so quickly. 
 I love beautiful hymns.  I love how  music can constantly change the tempo and the rhythm.  
I love all the happy memories I remember when I hear beautiful music.  It reminds me so much of people, places, events and so many other things.   I am so grateful to all of the musicians for their dedication and hard work to bring so much beauty to others.  I am grateful I have several musicians in my family!!!  Thank you for  helping me feel greater happiness in my life!!!

I am grateful for the Sabbath Day -Gratitude Post 18

I am so grateful for the Sabbath day.  I love that there is a day in the week where I can focus  on spiritual things.  I love to be able to go to church, to participate, and to come  home more renewed.  On Sunday's  I often feel more humbled, and have a greater feeling of hope.

Today, I had the privilege to sing in the choir a song of Thanksgiving.  Today I was able to teach a lesson to some of the Young Women. 

I am so grateful for this  holy day that is set aside each week.  

I am grateful for friends... Gratitude Post 17

 I am so grateful for the terrific people in my life that I'm privileged to call friends. I feel so blessed for the positive influence they have in my life.
I love that I can be crazy, silly, happy, and sad and that they still support me.  I have been truly amazed by the generosity and caring I have been shown by friends throughout my life.  

 I know life would be much more difficult if it wasn't for  being friends with such wonderful woman. 
I am grateful for the friends I have known for it  feels  like forever!!!   I am grateful for their example, kind words, support, their smile and for everything they do to make the world a much better place. 

I wish I had more pictures of the many women I am grateful to call friends.  I am grateful to have such dear friends in my life! 

Friday, November 16, 2012

I am grateful for failure, trials etc.---Post 16

Okay, don't think I am crazy that I am grateful for trial etc,  but I am.  Yes, I know trials stink.  They are hard.  We worry, we wonder and we stress.  But we aren't alone. 

But the truth is that trials can be some of our greatest teachers. They cause us to  realize how  strong we are,  to have more gratitude, and they help us realize we are capable of great things.   My mom had a little saying that she said to me whenever I left my home. She would tell me that she loved me and then she would often say to me, "Forget yourself and find someone to serve today."  Honestly, it use to drive me crazy when she said that, but she was right.  One of the best ways to help ourselves when we are experiencing trials or failures is to forget ourselves and go and help another person.  

I find when I help another person  through one of their trials, that I have a fresh perspective towards my own. It also helps me realize that we aren't alone, but that we are all in this together.  

I am grateful that we can learn from our mistakes/trials.   I have failed at many things I have tried.  But I know if I failed that I have at least tried and  eventually if I keep working  towards something that I will learn.

We are asked  to be thankful in all things.  That  use to bother me.  We are supposed to be grateful for failures, sickness and all the storms of life?  Hmmm

But I realize that when we are thankful and experiencing trials that it is the time when we can become even closer to our Savior if we choose.  I believe we can choose to either turn our hearts away from Him or we choose to turn our hearts towards Him while we deal with our pain. 

  I remember right after my mom died, that my friend Veronica Evenson Blaylock said something to me that was life changing. She told me that  she had a friend who had lost a family member through a mistake/accident like my mom.  She said that this friend had become bitter and angry.  She said you have a choice to either move towards the Savior or away.   When she said that, I was definitely moving away.  Life felt very bleak to me and just too difficult. However, when she said this, it gave me a jolt  and it truly helped softened my heart.  I will always be grateful to her, for being inspired to share this with me.   

 Both of these quotes I found on Veronica's blog. :) 

Thursday, November 15, 2012

I am grateful for ALL my extended family!!! Post 15

Gratitude Post 15

I am so grateful for every member of my family. Without them, all the other things in life wouldn't matter.  I am thankful for each day we spend together and I try to treasure that time as I know it goes by so fast. 
 I am thankful for the knowledge that families can be forever, that my family has been sealed for time and eternity. I am grateful we are all linked to each other and in reality that we are all linked to our Heavenly Father.   It is such a comfort to know that I will see those family members who have already passed on again.  I am so grateful for the peace and hope that this knowledge gives me.   

My nephews Steven and Mason

 Baby Abe

 My family, of course
 Katie and Sheryl
 Matt's mom and dad (I wish I had more pictures of them)

Herb and Matt's sister Melissa
 My Grandma Mackey who just turned 94 this month
My Aunt Traci

 My Aunt Jean and Brittany in the background

Matt's Grandpa Tony 

 My niece Jessica and her husband John and My Aunt Jan (my mom's sister) and my Uncle Bob.

 All the California girls (above) and boys (below) on my mom's side of the family, minus our family

I look up to each member of my family.  I have learned countless lessons from every single one of them.  I am so grateful for the great example they have all shown me.