Monday, January 7, 2013

Being Kind....

In the beginning of this year I set a goal to be kinder.  Measuring kindness, is kind of difficult so I created ways I thought I could measure.  I also looked for web sites  giving tangible ways to show kindness.   
The reason I want to work on this more, is because, I truly believe that when we are kind, we are greatly blessed.  We are also able to positively impact the lives of those around us.  Sometimes in small ways, but other times in HUGE ways.  
I have also learned that we never know how our small act of kindness can really impact another person.   It is delightful to talk to others, and hear them share how someone doing something kind/positive has truly made their day better.  It is wonderful how much better I feel when I feel like someone truly cares about me.  It is amazing how a smile from a stranger can truly bless my day.  

The family who did the  12 days of Christmas for our family truly touched me.  I was impressed that someone could be so kind, and know that they wouldn't get any thanks or recognition.   I can't thank them enough for how much this touched me.
Last year one of my friends told me about drop a LOVE BOMB.
Once a week LOVE BOMB picks someone who is struggling  and then everyone drops a love bomb on their blog.  It is amazing to see how something so simple brings joy in another person's life.    If you are interested go to the link below!

Below are also other web sites I have found that I love.   Great ideas that I will constantly be checking!

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