Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Education Week 2012 Part Two

One cool thing about Education week is that I get to see Coby more.  It was great to pop in and see him at work.   Coby works in the BYU library reading Germany records and recording them.  He is such a hard worker.   Coby also spent most of Thursday night with me.  Kara and some of the youth from our ward  went to the Education Week youth dance.  The dance didn't get over until 11 pm so Coby and I hung out.  We went to a really good restaurant called, Banana Leaf and had curry.   Thanks Coby, for keeping me company that night so I was awake enough to drive back to Salt Lake after midnight!!!! 

Kara and some of her friends from our ward came to Education Week.  It made it fun for Kara.  One morning on our way to Education Week,  I took Kara and her friend to their high school to get their school pictures.  Below is a picture right before their picture.

It was fun to go to some of the youth classes with Kara.   We met up for lunch a few times.   I met up with one of my best friends, Diane, who was my roommate my freshman year, that I keep in touch with..  I also sat through a few classes from people from Washington.  I love my Washington friends I usually run into at Education Week.

Below are some of the other thoughts I want to remember from Education Week:
Our spiritually is the process of becoming. 

Are you learning to love others in your environment? That is the main goal of mortality--to LOVE!

Know that what other people say or do is a reflection of THEM not you! 

Stop worrying on what people think about you.  If you are in high school still that is okay, but if you are out of high school you can totally give it up.  Merilee Boyack (one of my favorite speakers)

 Don't spend all of your years thinking you need to show up to sacrament perfect.   It is okay to let people know you are weak.  We are organized into wards to specifically watch out for one another.

"You have a target on your back.  The closer one tries to become like the Savior, the more the adversary will seek to have that person.   Protection is found by obedience to the laws and ordinances.  However deceptive the adversary is, we are not left defenseless."

"The Lord loves me.  He wants me back. Satan hates me.  He wants to isolate me."  Jennifer Platt

Why is it so important to study the scriptures?
E-Easier to feel the Spirit
A- All things you should do (in the scriptures)
E-Easier to feel the Spirit

The greatest reason to  read daily from the scriptures is that it puts us in the frame and setting where we can be receptive to insights from the Holy Ghost.  John Hilton III

"I don't have to be a light to the whole world.  I just have to be HIS light to my world." Brad Wilcox

"So often what others need from us is help and teaching and support and coaching, not judgment and anger and consequences."

I loved Education Week and I am so grateful I have the opportunity to go!!  I truly am blesses and I have a lot of things to think about and work through!

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