Monday, February 4, 2013

2 years and 115 days

  I climbed in the car last week and realized my daughter will graduate soon.  Actually, in  2 years and 115 days.  She is excited for all the possibilities it brings and I smile right along with her as she shares her dreams. But my heart, oh my heart, is just a little undone.

In my mother's mind, I don't know where to store this reality. The one where she graduates in 2 years and 115 days. Where do I keep this knowledge?

I love numbers.   And as I was thinking about how many days I have been a mother, I realized it was  9,125 days.  So, so, so long, but also so short in the eternal scheme of things. And to think that my last child will be 18 in 754 (Happy almost sweet 16) makes me realize that I need to make sure I use that time well.  Very well, enjoying and soaking in the goodness of being a mom.

Time ticks away so quickly sometimes. Often it's speed has passed me by without my knowing. It's just the way of things, I guess. But here, today, I am determined to Hold. To Look. And See. And fill my heart with all of it. All 2 years and 115 days worth.


Jenny said...

Thank you for your post. Lately, as I have been going to the temple with greater frequency, I have been getting excited about my boys turning twelve so they can come too. I have been day dreaming about Ammon passing the sacrament and attending the general priesthood session of conference with his dad and grandpa. This post helped remind me that time passes all too quickly. It's time for me to slow down and enjoy the time we are in.

Unknown said...

I remember doing the same thing. Thanks for your thoughts!!! I seriously don't even know you are able to post on my blog. I really can't find anyway to comment on mine. I am not sure what I did wrong.

Unknown said...

It is weird to live in the unknown, what our mother's wouldn't give to live a day in our shoes. Yes hold on is right and enjoy the time. I can only on my phone, on my computer it doesn't even show that comments are made or blocked. Google it!