Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Life Board Plan for 2012

Every year at the beginning of the year I always plan on making a life board plan for 2012.  A couple of years I have decided that I would do it, but this year I actually accomplished it with pictures.  I still have more pictures to add to it, but I thought if I put it on my blog I would feel more accountable.  Especially, when I turn my blog into an book that will be our family journal/scrapbook.  So here are my plans for this year.  They aren't necessarily goals, but what I want to do in each area of my life! My life mission I keep every year, some years I just refine it a little bit.  I did a little bit this year, but not much!

Life Mission
I am a loving, spiritual, centered happy daughter of my Heavenly Father. I create and enjoy a life of purpose.  I have a warm and welcoming home built on the foundation of Christ. My goal for my family is to inherit the celestial kingdom—no empty chairs.  Our home is a safe haven for family and friends.  I enjoy fulfilling, loving and appropriate relationships with my husband, children, co-workers and friend.  I know how to deal with a wide range of situation and how to set boundaries.  I am financially savvy, spend wisely and save, save save.  I balance and organize my time and home efficiently.  I make time for hobbies, fun, and I delight in serving others. 
Read the book of Mormon everyday (listening to CD’s works too).
Attend the temple at least monthly
Finish visiting teaching by the 20th of each month.
Work on Personal Progress (I goal each month and 2 value experiences each year)
Pray daily for the sisters I visit, and the young women I work with.  Spend time each month magnifying my calling.
Date night with my hubby every week.
Have family prayer twice a day
Hold FHE once a week.
Hold family council at least once a month.
Attend family reunion.
Stay connected to extended family through phone calls, visits and activities.
Monthly family dinner
Spend time talking with members of the family.
Refrain from sugar at least two days a week
Exercise at least a minimum of 4 days a week---plan to do 6 days a week
Eat at least 4 fruits and veggies a day
Sleep 8 hours each night.
Be at a BMI of 23.
Stick to our planned budget
Put money aside in savings, 401k, Roth IRA, and pension plan
Once a month have a couple planning meeting.
Go to lunch at least once a month with a girlfriend (more is okay too).
Attend Book Club each month.
Attend R.S. meetings
Invite a family/couple over for dinner at our home once a month.
Say only kind things about others or don’t say anything at all.
Send notes to others several times a month.
Love more.
Personal Development
Attend musical, plays and performing art events
Learn about the early 1900’s and other important history events
take a photography class
Listen more than I speak
Pause before speak to eliminate interrupting.
Read at least one book a week leisurely
Pray daily to know how I can best serve others
Daily serve someone—small or great.
Show kindness to everyone I meet.
Love more.
And Smile, smile SMILE!!!!