Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Are you guilty of being too busy?


I had a conversation with a few women last week about being busy.  We were about to ask a friend to do something, but then someone said we shouldn't bother her because she is so busy.   Have you ever  noticed that some people think that being busy is a virtue? I didn't say anything then, but I don't always think being busy is such a virtue.  This conversation reminded me of a talk by President Uchtdorf in the October 2010 General Conference. 

"One of the characteristics of modern life seems to be that we are moving at an ever-increasing rate, regardless of turbulence or obstacles.
Let’s be honest; it’s rather easy to be busy. We all can think up a list of tasks that will overwhelm our schedules. Some might even think that their self-worth depends on the length of their to-do list. They flood the open spaces in their time with lists of meetings and minutia—even during times of stress and fatigue. Because they unnecessarily complicate their lives, they often feel increased frustration, diminished joy, and too little sense of meaning in their lives.
It is said that any virtue when taken to an extreme can become a vice. Over-scheduling our days would certainly qualify for this. There comes a point where milestones can become millstones and ambitions, albatrosses around our necks."

After hearing this  talk in 2010 I knew that one of my goals for 2011 was to work on slowing down and savoring life.  It was amazing once I became more conscious of how busy I was that I realized how often people talk/brag about being busy.  For example, have you ever talked to someone that you haven't seen in a while and you ask them how they are doing and they then proceed to tell you how busy they are.   I don't want to be too busy that I don't enjoy the simple everyday moments.  I use to always be super busy and I realized I was doing myself and my family a disservice.  I didn't take time to relax and read a book or take a bath.  I felt like my stress level was always too high and it bugged me so I tried to change.  When someone tells me I am too busy I almost become offended (not really, but you get the idea) because when I am too busy I feel like I don't notice people and sometimes when that happens people can become objects in our way.   I feel like I am just trying to hurry and get something done so I can move on to the next project. Anyway, this has been on my mind!  I want to slow down and savor each and every day!