Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day to all my fabulous family and friends.  I  hope you all have an amazing day. There isn't anything I have ever done, or will ever do, that will compare to the joy I receive from being a mother! I thank my Heavenly Father every day for blessing me with this sacred responsibility. I am the person I am today because of my beautiful children. Wherever they end up in this world, they will always hold a special part of my heart no matter what!!!

Thank you to all of the Mother's who have mothered me!  I am grateful for you and your influence. 

"Recognize that the joy of motherhood comes in moments. There will be hard times and frustrating times. But amid the challenges, there are shining moments of joy and satisfaction.
Author Anna Quindlen reminds us not to rush past the fleeting moments. She said: 'The biggest mistake I made [as a parent] is the one that most of us make. . . . I did not live in the moment enough. This is particularly clear now that the moment is gone, captured only in photographs. There is one picture of [my three children] sitting in the grass on a quilt in the shadow of the swing set on a summer day, ages six, four, and one. And I wish I could remember what we ate, and what we talked about, and how they sounded, and how they looked when they slept that night. I wish I had not been in such a hurry to get on to the next thing: dinner, bath, book, bed. I wish I had treasured the doing a little more and the getting it done a little less.'
--M. Russell Ballard
 Elder Neal A. Maxwell so eloquently said: “When the real history of mankind is fully disclosed, will it feature the echoes of gunfire or the shaping sound of lullabies? The great armistices made by military men or the peacemaking of women in homes and in neighborhoods? Will what happened in cradles and kitchens prove to be more controlling than what happened in congresses? When the surf of the centuries has made the great pyramids so much sand, the everlasting family will still be standing, because it is a celestial institution, formed outside telestial time. The women of God know this” (Elder Neal A. Maxwell, The Women of God, Ensign (CR), May 1978, p.10).