Monday, March 19, 2012

Happy 24th Birthday Coby!!!!

On March 8th Coby turned 24.  It is hard to believe that he is 24 and that I  have been a mom for 24 years!!!!  I remember the day he was born in such vivid detail.  Matt and I were going to BYU and Matt worked until 12am every day.  My labor started and he asked me to wait to go to the hospital until he was off work.  That seemed like torture to me,  but I did. I had started labor pains on the 6th of March and went to the doctor on the 7th in the am and he stripped my membranes for me to try to hurry up my labor because he said nothing was really happening, but it sure felt like a  lot was happening!!  YIKES I thought a lot was happening, but apparently not enough. Finally, when Matt got off work we went to the hospital and Coby was born on the 8th at 9:38 pm.  It was a very long labor (40+) hours and then he was taken C-section anyways.  I am so glad he came and incidentally he is my only baby born on his due date!

On Coby's birthday, Thursday, March 8th, we went down to Provo to take him out to lunch. He had such a busy day that he didn't have time for a birthday party.  We had fun and took him to an Indian restaurant.  It was yummy, yummy! Then we went to get some famous milkshakes.  We dropped off the cake we brought at his apartment and then took him back on campus so he could get back to class. He was the mediator for an event at his school on his birthday on the death penalty and why it should be changed. I actually learned a lot about that from him that I never considered.  Interesting stuff  he is involved with and I love how he is trying to change the world one small step at a time.

 Since his birthday was such a busy day we  celebrated  it as a family on Saturday, March 10th.  It was fun because I had a baby shower at my home the same day and  so it was a  little crazy. Luckily, I decided to just buy Coby a birthday cake instead of having to make it for him which might have made the day beyond crazy as ice cream cakes (at least he way I make them) are messy and take a long time.

Below and above are pictures of everyone at his birthday party.  We had a Cafe Rio pork recipe for dinner.  Yummy!!  He wanted me to make curry, but I told him there was no way I could do that on that day.  Maybe the next time he comes over for dinner we will try it. 

Opening presents.  It is just not as much fun to open presents when you are 24 compared to when  you are younger, but he made it fun. 

He stood on the couch to show how much he liked his shirt! :)

There are so many things I admire  and want to remember about Coby during this stage of his life.   I love how he doesn't let fear get in his way and tries things that are outright scary (at least to me) and  that test his limits. I love his singing voice; it is amazing.  I love a rich tenor voice on a male; AWESOME!!!!   I love how he loves to learn and how he always searches for knowledge and truth.  If I don't understand something or want someone's educated opinion I love to ask Coby! He reminds me so much of my dad.  It is amazing how some of his traits remind me of my dad.  Matt will often say when Coby does something how strange it is considering Coby was just 2 when my dad died.   I love how hard he works to do well in school; he is very dedicated.  I love that he loves all people and he seeks to understand others and their beliefs.  He is a very understanding and genuine person.   I love how good he is to his friends.  He is an awesome friend to have and he always is inviting people over and getting together with people. He is the party planner.  He is also one amazing son and brother!  I  just love Coby and I love that I have amazing children who have taught me so  much and have given me so many reasons to smile!!!!  I love you Coby! 

All the smoke after lighting 24 candles!!!