April's Theme: The Armor of God-Spirituality
Scripture: Ephesians 6:10
Song: Behold a Royal Army
"There is no Knight in black armor with such power as you may have if you live righteously." Boyd K Packer
"We need to accept the full truth---even all of it-"put on the whole armour of God," and get to work building up the Kingdom." Glenn L. Pace
Other great scriptures:
Romans 13:12
II Timothy 2:3-4
D & C 27: 15-18
April Fool's Day was part of Spring break and boy did we wake up to a big surprise!!!! It was snowing A LOT. So we changed our plans for fun and instead decided to enjoy the SNOW by going snow sledding. I kept telling my children that they would never forget this spring break because it will be the one where they went sledding. Colton didn't want to go, but wanted to keep working on writing his second novel! I took Kara and her friends sledding and it was such a beautiful day. You just can't beat living in UT! You gotta LOVE it. Afterwards, they came over to our home very tired, (I am missing one cute girl who left early). I made them yummy chocolate chip cookies and hot cocoa and then they watched a movie and played games.
Later on that day I did my April Fool's Day "Crazy Cafe" Meal. I put on my apron, pulled out menus and was a short ordered cook. They all ordered from the menu and decided what they wanted. And they were really surprised when they got something very different from what they ordered. I got the idea from a web page. I just LOVE the internet and all the great ideas that can be found! The girls, Matt, Colton and Spencer loved it. Spencer had to hurry to a class, but he brought some of the food to one of his friends at class. The kids had fun pulling pranks on us and I must say that they did a really good job. They seemed to have really gotten us this year rather well.