Thursday, May 30, 2013

Baptism, Birthday, Movie and much more

I love Memorial weekend.  Matt unfortunately worked both Saturday and Monday, but he had fun nonetheless.   On Friday we went to and saw Kara's play, "The Awkward Life of an American Teenager."  It was amazing and Kara did an a superb job!

Saturday I ran all day, SERIOUSLY and cleaned and cleaned!  Then Matt and I went and saw the new Star Trek movie.  I loved it, but it seems movies just keep getting more and more violent. I feel like I cover my eyes way too much!

My niece Cumorah got baptized by her dad! I was asked to speak at her baptism.  Cumorah sang a duet at her baptism with her best friend and next door neighbor.  They did marvelous! During the interim we saw a short video called "The Pioneer Miracle"  It was exactly what I needed to hear.I highly recommend it.

 Afterwards we gathered at Cumorah's home for yummy food and a great visit.  I love visiting with Miriah's family.  They are such fascinating people.
On Monday afternoon we went to my brother Matthew's home and had a barbecue and celebrated his birthday!   Both events had the most yummy food.  My sister in laws are such good cooks.

While we were there we worked on the family reunion.  I am so excited to get together with my family next month on the Oregon Coast.  I hope everything goes as planned as we have worked hard to plan everything.  I am excited to see my Aunt Jean, Grandma, and Aunt Traci as we travel through.  My Grandma fell on Sunday and I was so worried when my aunt sent me a text, but surprisingly, it turned out to be pretty minor.

I don't have any family graves in Utah to visit.  Here is my parents grave that Sheryl went and put flowers on.  She is so good about bringing flowers and I am so grateful that she does that. 
On Monday I also got to Skype with Coby.  It is so nice that with Skype I can actually see where he lives and meet his roommate and see him!!!   Talking to him this last time made me feel a lot better about his situation.  I sure do miss him, but I am happy for him!

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