Sunday, April 14, 2013

Freaking out is highly over rated!

Lately I feel like I am dropping the ball from early morning until late in the night. I wish I could say that this is out of the ordinary, but it isn't.   I am just over scheduled, at least for the limits I feel I can place on myself.  I have realized that what I am capable of doing working full time versus only working part time, is very different.  I think that the reason this has been difficult for me, is I like being able to do it all and  accomplish many things.  It has always been a tremendous self esteem booster to do some much in a given day.

But for some reason the stars all aligned last weekend  to make for a really good freak-out session.  I have so many great intentions, and generally I am able to accomplish them, but not recently.  Lately, I seem to fail miserably.  I feel like my heart is right, and I think I am a good at  prioritizing, but that I am literally kicking and screaming about the new limits I have to place on myself. So  each day I wake up determined to do better and do more, but day after day I seem to not  be measuring up.  I often wondering how Heavenly Father feels about this.  If he is pleased with what I do or realizes I am failing to help those that need it?  I don't want to disappoint him so I try even harder.  But I realize my efforts of trying harder are only  making the problem even worse.

So one day a week and a half ago I woke up at my normal time, 5am to go and exercise, then I get dressed, try to have breakfast and scripture reading,  then race to start some laundry and clean up something. All to leave for work at 7am.  I am thinking if only I could be faster, if only I didn't have to stop for so many red lights. Then I get to work and there is so much that needs to be done, but I don't have the skills to  be able to completely do it all alone.  I try and do my best, but it seems like I make one mistake after another.  Apparently it is to be expected, but I don't want to do what is expected.  I want to do better.   I also don't want some one younger to tell me yet again, what I did wrong.  I want to get it just right.

While at work I don't feel successful, everyone there says I am way to hard on myself, and I know they are right, but being hard on myself has always worked in the past. But, It. Isn't. Now.   I get distracted while I am there and wonder if Kara is home from school yet and wonder how her day was.  So I text her, and I am grateful to hear she is doing well, but I still worry.  I think about how I need to go to the grocery store to get food for our pantry. I worry that I am not spending quality time with my children.  I think about the laundry I haven't done or if my home is messy.  I think about how poorly I did on visiting teaching last month. I think of some of my young women I work with and how I need to plan a great activity.  I think of my sons and hope they are doing well and think about their individual issues. I worry that I am not being a good enough wife. I worry about family members health and feel bad that there isn't much I am doing to help them. I worry about the family reunion I am in charge of  in two months, and I haven't done much to prepare for it.   And this list is only a small portion of some of the things I am worrying about.

 I start thinking way too much and after doing this for close to a month, I finally had a very impressive "freak out."  I freaked  out wondering how I could do it all.  I freaked out about how there is just too much to do. I freaked out about how dumb I feel at work and how it seems I am not doing anything well at all.  All in all I just felt like I am  not measuring up.  I wish I could say that sometime after my freak out tirade, that I came to my senses, but I didn't.  It wasn't until the next day when I (with help from Matt) realized that what really matters is whether or not I show love and compassion to others and that I savor  and find joy in the journey.  I also realize I need to accept my circumstance as they are right now and be kinder to myself.  

After thinking differently about my situation I felt myself calm down.  I felt myself accepting what is. I know I will still struggle with everything I want to do, but I realize I eventually will understand my job fully, and I won't have to get help from co-workers. I will feel a balance and be able to accomplish all that is important and good.  I will find time for the essential things. My "freak-out" helped me ponder things a little differently and helped change my perspective and to focus on feeling more peace and loving more---towards my family, myself and everyone!!!  I don't recommend a "freak out" but I it did help me put things in perspective. 

Above is the picture that we had taken at the Candlelight dinner Colton gave us in February. 

Good things that are happening (I need to remind myself of this):
* Coby is graduating from BYU in less than two weeks--So proud of him!

* Spencer had a fun weekend in Moab.

* Colton has an appointment tomorrow with his guidance counselor to help him figure out the best career for him. He will do a series of tests and then eventually a tutor will be provided  to help him do well in school.

* And as my friend Linda told me yesterday,  Let adult children make mistakes and do their best.  They are adults and they can take care of themselves.

* Kara is singing at BYU in a German Voice Competitition.  She also got asked to sing a solo of the National Athem  in front of her school for an upcoming assemble.

* We found a day that will work with everyone for a family picture!!!

* And Matt got a raise!!!!!  


Unknown said...

That's great advice, it's hard to let even little kids make mistakes let alone adult kids. I think everyone is entitled to a learning or freak out moment, I'm also super glad to know I'm not the only one who does it. You are amazing, keep believing in yourself.

Jenny said...

I admire you so much! Transition and adjustment is always hard - but especially when it isn't the circumstances we would have chosen for ourselves. I am sure you are amazing at work (even if you don't feel like you are) but I realize that being an awesome employee is a small consolation prize when you really want to be home. I really look up to your example and hope things smooth out for you sooner than later.