For our Ward Christmas party Kara was asked to sing. She sang three songs: Mr. Grinch, All I want for Christmas is you, and Silent Night! The program was very nice and the food was super, duper yummy. Then we ran Kara to another Christmas party.
The next week we had a R.S. Christmas party. We went around to sisters homes and they shared some of their favorite traditions. Then we went back to the church and had yummy food. Each sister was asked to write a spiritual event/experience they had and each sisters experience was compiled into a book. What a treasure! I have loved every minute of reading it.
On another night I went to our annual Ornament exchange party. So much fun to visit with friends and have a good time.
Above are just a few of us.
Then we had our ward Hawaiian Youth Christmas Party. The Beehives were in charge of it and luckily my advisers were so helpful. Not to complain, but I have been feeling pretty bad over the last month since I barely take my shot, so it was a relief. Thanks to all the men who helped clean up too. It was wild and crazy, but then it was over!!! Yeah.
Then we had Matt's work party the next night. And it was fun to get together with everyone. Very long, but so nice to visit with old friends and meet new ones too.
Another night we had our Ugly sweater party. Last year I did it at my home, but because I feel so you know what, my friend offered to host it. I had wanted to have two parties on separate nights, as I wanted to invite more people, but I will have to do it at another time. Thanks for being patient with me.
Above Matt and us before the party started.
And above Matt playing one of the games. Such silly, fun games. It is amazing how creative people can be.
Kara performed at a Christmas party last night. She did a beautiful job singing. She still has three more singing performance that she will be doing this week. One for a benefit concert for a charity and another for a concert and another for choir. She keeps us running.
Incidentally she just started in a new play. She has the lead part, being the evil one. It is a play sort of like the 12 dancing princess. It is hard to imagine her being evil, since she is so darn sweet, but I am sure she will do a wonderful job. She is running between dance lessons, piano lessons, voice lessons, early choir performances, teaching her piano students and play practice several times a week. I don't think we could keep up if we had several young children to add to the mix.
I was excited when I realized that tonight I don't have to be anywhere. HOORAY!!! Both Kara and I did a happy dance when we realized it, too bad Matt can't be home too!!!!