Friday, November 18, 2011


I've been looking for the Pause button. For at least a week now. Time and schedules and life have tumbled faster than I can keep pace. Days have drifted open and close, and every morning I still feel far behind. Life needs a Pause button, don't you think? Not a Stop or a Delete, but just a Pause.
I won't go into the details of why I feel like I am running too fast, because that would bore you and me.  But today I have felt like I was able to pause because I had to. I hurt my bad really bad at work on Monday trying to do too many things at once and now I am paying the price.  After being in so much pain today I kind of paused and refueled and it feels good. Hopefully, it won't take an injury for me to use the pause button again!

If you find yourself swimming through the busy and the crazy, look for your Pause. It may take time and careful attention, but today I learned that it's there. Right there, within reach. Look with your eyes and see with your heart. And then, take time to Pause.