I love general conference weekend it is so neat to be able to listen to all of the talks and to feel the spirit so strongly. I loved all of the talks, but if I were to pick my favorite one, well that would be really hard, but here is my best try at it or at least the ones that I really needed to hear. And they were Elder Hales, Elder Holland, Elder Eyring, President Monson, and Elder Scott's just to name a few. I love how conference leaves you feeling renewed. And the greatest news is that next conference Coby will be home from his mission! He only has 143 more days of his mission, but who is counting? :)
During the priesthood session which Matt, Spencer and Colton attended Kara and I did our bi-annual tradition of going out to eat and then going to Deseret book for their ladies night out party; we call it our Girls night out and we always have such a blast. Kara is so fun to hang around with!
The funniest thing that happened this weekend is we woke up to our door being tied to our trampoline, someones attempt at being funny at least that is what I hope, but who know for sure. It is Spring break here from this Wednesday to Monday the 13th at least for Colton and Kara. We are going to go and have a lot of fun this week. Does anyone have any good ideas for fun in Utah?