We have been involved in a lot of different things right now that are fun for everyone. The youth in our stake are going to be in the Draper Temple Celebration that will be May 29th. There will be a lot of practices (two a week) and I volunteered to be a Captain 10 which means that I will be at every practice and be over 10 youth and will make sure they get to each meeting and have a ride home. It is a lot of fun and looks very exciting. Kara is going to be in one of the dances and will be a passenger and Colton is in the choir. His seminary teacher Mr. Marshall McDonald is in charge of it.
This weekend is the Draper Temple dedication and we have tickets for Saturday as well as Sunday so it will be wonderful to be able to go. We are so blessed to have a brand new beautiful temple. I will be working two days a month in the temple and I am so excited to be able to do this. You can't work any more days than that until all your children are 18.
Kara is working hard to be able to go to BYU next week for the big science fair and is really excited for the opportunity.
We went and saw the musical "Wiz" at Eastmont middle school for family night and it was superb. We had several friends in it and they did a wonderful job.
The weather has been gorgeous and we have enjoyed every minute of it. It has been nice to walk to pick up Kara from school, but unfortunately it is supposed to snow on Sunday afternoon, but I do need the snow for snow shoeing so I can't complain too much and I know it will be warm again.
Today is the first day of Spring and I love it. Spring and Autumn are my favorite seasons of the year. Kara just started soccer again and is on the same team as she was in the Fall with my brother Matthew as the coach. He does such a good job with the girls. Kara has been practicing hard for her play, "Enchanted" that she is also in during the month of May. It is going to be really cute to go and watch.
It was Coby's birthday also and we miss not being with him, but he is enjoying his mission so much and doing such great things that it is very inspiring to us. Transfers were this week and he found out that he would be staying in Vienna for one more transfer so after this transfer he will be there a total of more than 8 months.
I have been doing a lot of scrap booking and am trying to get caught up. It is one thing that you really can't get that caught up as you keep taking more and more pictures.
Matt and I are starting our ball room dancing classes again. We had so much fun doing this and I highly recommend it.
We have been doing projects around the house that have been fun--but mainly because Matt is doing most of the work--he is so strong, and I have just been organizing them--the easy part. I mentioned to him yesterday that it would be cool if we moved our room around and when I got back from Kara's soccer practice the room was completely moved around. He amazes me constantly. And another amazing thing is that he took out his flat screen TV. I was thrilled (he really didn't watch it very much anymore) but it was still a hard move for him. I really just don't like TV too much unless I am scrap booking or exercising; there are so many things you could be doing that are a better use of time in my humble opinion, but I do like to watch movies.
Spencer has had spring break this whole week and it has been a great week for it with the wonderful weather. He has been doing a lot of outside projects around our home and does a good job. He is still looking for a job; it is hard in this economy.
Lately I feel like I am doing a lot of taxi driving, but it is all good. So that is a little of what is going on here.