Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day Happenings!

Happy Father's Day to all the Dad's out there! Today for Father's day Colton and Spencer woke up early to make Matt an early breakfast of scrambled eggs and sausage. And then we all went to church. Matt was asked to teach the Gospel Doctrine class and he did a great job and led a great discussion. After we came home from church (we were a little late) Colton had a hot lunch waiting for Matt on the kitchen table.
Later on we opened some presents for Matt that the children were working on. Kara had gotten some clear back when she was in school and couldn't wait to give them to her daddy. Colton was a little tired as he had just gotten home from youth conference and it had rained most of the time while they were there and they had froze at night too. But he was so glad he had went. I had three of the youth leaders come up to me just to let me know how well behaved he had been; things every mom loves to hear!

After Matt opened his presents the missionaries came over for dinner. They are two great missionaires with great attitudes. Such a great example for our family. And then after they left one of the elders mom that had served with Coby in the International ward for a couple of months last year called me up after just coming home from visiting Vienna and seeing him. She just called to let me know how he was doing and said such sweet things about him that every missionary mom LOVES to hear. I love hearing from other missionary moms and getting pictures from them which is why I need to go and send this picture below and several others to two fine missionaries moms.