Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Flowers in the Winter

The last two weeks at work have been crazy!  I am answering the phone over 30+ times a day and each call averages over 10 minutes.  Each call is asking  complicated mind bogging questions.  This is all because the new changes in the Mortgage Industry that went into effect last week. Most of our customers don't understand the 1800 page document and they call us to figure it out. It honestly is very confusing and I struggle with it and I am supposed to be an expert, but there is so much to learn.  Each night I come home from work so weary.   I try each day to have a good attitude and I stay positive which has made all the difference.  I can barely remember anything outside of work relating to anything.   So I am so grateful for the patience of others.  Below is more info regarding the changes in the simplest way possible. Honestly, it is much too boring to read.

However, I have had many tender mercies in my life.  Yesterday, someone kind and thoughtful left a rose on my door with a sweet note.  It is amazing how a simple gesture can have such a positive impact in someones life.   Then today my husband had some beautiful flowers delivered to my office.   It sent them because it was my half birthday, but mainly he sent them to be sweet.  He has never done anything for my half birthday before and of course I had no idea it was my half birthday until he remembered.  I love the tender mercies!  Life can be beautiful!

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