Monday, September 16, 2013


Meli is now on the Cross Country team and she is an officer for the French Club.  She has gotten really involved with a lot of things at her school and she is such a hard working student. She is such a fun girl.  I have really admired her courage. I think that sometimes I forget what courage looks like.  I  become too caught up in the day to day activities.

I am in awe of my children and Meli's courage.  It takes a great amount of courage to change your life and to do hard things like moving to the US or Turkey. 

My examples have taught me to take courage today, this week, this month.  Take it and hold it.  Get used to it's weight.  But then if the young people I know are brave enough to move across the world, then maybe I am brave enough to give courage a try.

Kara took courage and tried out for the Improv team.  I really didn't think she had the time to be in the group, but it was something that she really wanted.  She tried out with 130 other people with possibly only 12 spots.  I admired her courage.  Honestly, I thought her chance to make the team was pretty slim.  But on Saturday night, after Matt and I got home from the Saturday night Stake Conference there was some people at our door. The guy was dressed in what looked like a Darth Vader costume and they asked her to come. Of course, I went outside and watched as it looked like she was being abducted. :)  They took her across the street and then screamed and yelled that she had made it on the team. I guess they find crazy ways to let the new members know they are on the team.  Below are the pictures of the youth who came to let her know.  They only took 7 new people on their team. She will do a show once a month at her school and of course I will be coming to every performance. And one thing she is really happy about is the fact that there are 8 boys on the team and only 4 girls!  

I have done really bad taking pictures recently.  I need to do better.  I forgot Kara's Voice Recital,  cute things Meli did and other happenings.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great reminder to everyone to try new things. That's an interesting way to welcome someone!