Monday, April 8, 2013

This last week.....

I won my Pick 6 Challenge Contest last week.  I was happy.  Yesterday I started a new Pick 6 Challenge.  I am aiming for 1st place again!!!

The last week at work seemed to exhaust me mentally and physically.  I feel completely overwhelmed and I  don't feel like I am learning everything quick enough.  I know I really am learning, but there is SO MUCH to learn and understand that it is daunting.  I had a pity party  this weekend and felt like I should quit, (there were a lot of factors I don't want to get into here)  but after going today I am feeling better. I am just so hard on myself and I want to learn everything NOW.  I really didn't believe my brother or my boss when I was told that it would take me up to a year to learn everything, but I am realizing they are right.  I believe if I think with that kind of mentality, that I might actually learn things quicker.

Meli's mom sent us more pictures of her and her family.  It is so amazing to feel like you are getting to  know someone who lives so far away.  Kara has been talking to her on the Internet too and has been delighted with Meli's cute personality.

 Coby is graduating from BYU in a little more than two weeks.  We are so proud of him.  He is a very kind soul who I learn from with every encounter.  We hardly have any time to spend with him before he leaves to go to live in Turkey on May 9th as he is swamped with papers and finals until then.   He is planning a trip to Seattle and a trip with friends so I am hoping we can have at least one family day, with everyone before he leaves.  It seems way too complicated to do with everyone's work schedule.

I am trying to plan a family picture and I haven't found one day available, but I am determined to not give up.

My aunt got home from the rehab last week.  And I have been so grateful to my sister in laws, Annette and Suzanne (pictures below) for going to Oregon to go and help her.  It is a sacrifice for them to do it, but I am so grateful.  I feel bad that I haven't been able to take a shift, since I started my job. She has been doing remarkable well. And my Aunt Traci has been so helpful driving everyone around and going and visiting my Grandma each day at the Care Center.


Matt's dad also had a scare with his health in the last week.  I don't know too much, as they are still doing tests, but we are hoping that they will find some answers and help so he can prevent any more problems.

Colton has been dating a cute girl frequently and they go on the most creative dates.  I am impressed with the things he come up with.

Spencer didn't end up singing with the choir during the Priesthood session.  They had too many young adults and not enough music so he kindly stepped aside, much to Kara and I's sadness.   Spencer, I have learned he a very good chef.  Since I started working I have given each of the kids a night to cook and Spencer has impressed me every single night he has cooked.

Kara got another 4.0 this last quarter.  She finished her driver's ed class and is just waiting on her driver's ed instructor to give her the driver's test and then she will be an official driver.  I am excited and completely scared for her all at the same time!

Kara also got into Theater 3 at school, which is very hard to get into.  She had to memorize a LONG dialogue, and then present it in front of a panel with a lot of expression of course.  WOW.

And Matt has all of his bosses in town for the next two days for a huge dealer presentation.  I hope it  is going well for him (it is going on right now). He has been working so hard and is such an excellent boss and employee for their company!!!!

General Conference was wonderful.  I must admit I didn't have the best attitude, but I did enjoy. My favorite talks were both in the Sunday morning session and were by President Uchtdorf and Elder Holland.    I am going to have to listen to all the CD's  as soon as they arrive in the mail!!!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Congratulations on winning. That's fantastic! Stick with the family picture goal - it will be worth whatever hassle it requires. I hope it comes together for you. I hope the job gets more and more comfortable for you. Good luck!!!