Friday, February 15, 2013

48 reasons I love you---Matthew Glenn

1. I love what a hard worker you are; you are always willing to go the 2nd mile.
2. I love how dedicated  you are and how easily you set your mind to something.
3.I love that you are faithful, dedicated member of the church.  I especially love how you love the Lord.

4. I love how you magnify your callings---it feels like you are always going to some meeting and yet, you never complain.
5.I love how easily you're willing to sacrifice something  you want for a family member.
6. I love how you love each member of our family.
7. I love how you work hard daily for our family and never complain.
8. I love how you believe in our family and know we all can accomplish great things. I love that we still go on weekly dates and that we have a nightly date each night, at least most of the time. :)
9. I love how well you listen when I share my feelings with you and I especially love our pillow talk time.
10. I love how you treat our daughter.  I love how kind you are to her and have set the bar high for her husband.
11. I love how supportive you are to me, in anything my heart desires.  You are one of the most complimentary people I have ever known. You notice the little things and always help me better appreciate things.
12. I love how generous you are with your time and energy.

13.  I love that you will go and see chick flicks with me and never complain---and even act like you like them.
14. I love how you are  constantly working on improving yourself.
15. I am so grateful that you wake up in a good mood everyday.  You truly are SUNSHINE to my SOUL!!!
16. I love that you are full of energy when you wake up and counter act my sleepy ways in the morning.

17. I love how you are willing to make me breakfast pretty much every morning, and that it tastes so yummy!
18. I love how  you will even will make Kara a lunch if we forget the night before.
19.  I love how you exercise to stay healthy and fit.
20. I love how loyal you are and will do whatever is needed.  I love that I never have to worry about you talking behind my back,  for I know you always have my back.
21. I love how you lead our family in scripture reading each morning.

22. I love that you honor your priesthood and that you lead our family in prayers morning and night.
23.  I love that you are are willing to drive carpool when we I am in a jam or I just don't feel like it.
24. I am so grateful that I always come home to a clean, tidy home when I have been gone for the evening.  I have NEVER come home to a messy house, unless you are gone.

25. I love how you spoil me. I always have to be careful what I say I like, because pretty soon I have it.
26. I love how generous you are with others, from a tip at restaurants, fast offering to pretty much everything.

27. I love your back rubs. I am the luckiest girl alive.
28. You also give amazing foot massages, even though I don't like to reciprocate as often.

29.  I love how you patiently paint the toe nails of Kara and I.
30. I love that you are always asking what you can do to help me, even when I don't write a honey to do list. And when I don't ask you, you will sometimes start doing things you think I need help with, like right now while I write, this you are vacuuming.
31. I love how willing you are to watch the TV shows I want to watch, even when I don't like what you like to watch.
32. You love keeping our yard  beautiful and enjoy working in the yard.

33.  I love how you like to find a good deal and are always helping me save money.
34.  I love how handsome you are.  I love looking into your eyes and feeling loved.
35.  I love how young you look; you make me feel younger.
36. I love that you have a full head of hair.

37. I love how well you take care of our cars.  I never have to worry about taking care of it.
38. I love how you treat me like a lady.  I feel pampered, and spoiled way too often.
39. You love to read books with me and then talk about them.
40. I love that you can fix pretty much anything and if you can't, you figure out how to.

41. I love how non judgmental you are.  You always look for the good in others, such an example for our family!
42. I love how you encourage me to do fun things with  my friends and actually encourage it because you know it makes me happy!

43. I love how easily you are able to say, I'm sorry. You are very forgiving and forget most anything I do wrong.  
44. I love how you don't care what others think about you. You know you are doing your best and that is all that matters.
45.I love that you love being a father and are always looking for ways to help your children.
46. I love how you work everyday to be better. That you realize you have short comings, but do better everyday with them.

47.  I love that you have loved me unconditional. It has been hard for me when I haven't   had my greatest cheer leader living---my parents, but you constantly are building me up and making me and everyone feel loved. You always listen to me when I get emotion and are willing to listen to me share my feelings about how I miss them. 
48. I love that you realize and do the things that matter most. Loving others and being kind.  You are my inspiration and I love and adore you!!!!!  Happy Birthday!!!!
Happy Birthday Matthew Glenn-------February 16th, 2013---- You are one of my greatest hero's and I am grateful I get to spend my life with you and all eternity too!!!! 

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