Friday, July 27, 2012

The lull in the summer

I have loved this week so much because it hasn't been super busy, just full of fun and just a little work.   During the month of  June after we cancelled our trip to the Northwest I felt very restless. I wanted to go on our trip and it was hard not to go.   It was the first time I had felt that restless that I can remember.  Usually, I am too busy and I wish for free time, so it was good for me to have the break even if I struggled with  it at the time. 

But the summer is quickly going by and now I wish I could go back to the lazy days of June, well kind of.  Anyways,  I have been putting together all of  my trek clothes, and other things we need for trek.  It has been a kick back week.  I have been able to go to lunch twice this week with girlfriends and it has been fun to catch up. I have done some de-clutttering.  I struggle so much when my house is unorganized and not clean.  It is one of my biggest pet peeves and I am constantly working on not letting a mess make me crazy. 

Also  I went to a movie with a couple of friends from my old neighborhood, which always makes me miss my neighborhood.   It always makes me wonder when you finally feel like your new home really feels like home.   A friend of mine, Cori, was talking about it on Facebook and it really made me think.  I am still considered "new" in the ward and our neighborhood is referred to as the "new" neighborhood.  When I go back to Sandy I miss it so much, but I am really starting to feel like I am home when I come home. 

The rest of the summer will be spent going to St. George, Seattle, Portland,  Boise, camping at Bear Lake,  Education Week and trek and then school will begin. 

I think one of the reason this summer has been a little different is because Matt has been working from our home with his three employees since February.  I can't express enough that I love that he has a job, but sometimes it is weird having his employees and others drop off contracts or come in and out of my home all day.   I feel like I always have to be quiet or that I can never let my  hair down.  There is no end in sight yet, but I am hoping it is sooner.  I love having Matt home, but it is hard on him to work from home. 

We are also excited for the Olympics.  Kara loves watching the Olympics and it certainly makes it more fun!!!

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