Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Happy 22nd Birthday Spencer!!!

 Happy 22nd Birthday Spencer!!!!!  I always love your birthday as it is such a beautiful time of year with Spring in full force!!!!   Because you were so busy on the night of your birthday we celebrated it a day early.   It seemed kind of bittersweet to celebrate with everyone when we knew this would be the last time we would be together as a family for the next five months.  
 Spencer if leaving to go and live in Fiji for the next  almost five months to help with an organization called HELP International you can learn more about them http://fiji.help-international.org/.  The mission of HELP is about fighting poverty by empowering individuals that are natives to various countries. HELP wants to provide self sustaining solutions to the problems that have plagued countries for decades. Help wants to solve a problem through local organizations that once solved will stay solved long after participants have left and finished projects.  So it is an amazing opportunity!!!!
 For Spencer's birthday he wanted barbecue ribs.  We made his favorite recipe for barbecue ribs.  It needs to cook for 9 hours.  So the house smelled mighty fine all day.  It is a delicious recipe!!!!  Yummy!!!!!
 Coby was on his way to a wedding reception  so he was dressed up for the occasion.   He took Spencer out to lunch for his birthday.  

 Kara thinks she is so silly!

 All my children love a good oreo ice cream cake and they are so simple to make or buy!!!

 Tayler, Spencer's best friend joined us for cake. We missed her at dinner, but she had a final.
Kara made Spencer breakfast this morning even though she had to leave the house at 6:30am.  She definitely loves her brother as we all do!!!!  Spencer took a final on his birthday!!!  What a fun birthday present.  For Spencer's birthday present he wanted money to go to Fiji!! He also wanted a camera so he can take lots of good pictures!!!!!  It is a great cause so hopefully, if you get a letter asking for a donation to his cause you might consider it.  He will appreciate it as he has spent over 5k of his own money to help others.   He also had to sell his car.

 I love the passionate person Spencer is.  I love how he is involved and knows so much about so many things.  He is so fun to talk to as he has an opinion about everything, seriously!!!  I love his quick wit and his humor he brings to every situation.   I love  how he shows each family member his love for them and how he is willing to help others so willingly.   He is a great example to me of dedication, hard work, and being the best you.     Spencer please know how much we love and adore you!!!!!!