Thursday, March 8, 2012

Happy Birthday Kara!!!!

Kara turned 15 on February 28th!!!!!!!!  The night before her birthday she started feeling sick.  We hoped it would just go away, but it  wasn't meant to be. Kara woke up on her birthday with a sore throat and cough.  She said she didn't feel well, but felt like she should go to school. I agreed as she didn't have a fever.   Matt picked her up from school at lunch time and took her out to eat.  Then he took her back. If I had gone I would have had her come home immediately.  When I went to pick her up from school she looked so MISERABLE!!!  She had a fever.  She told me that the hardest part of the day was having people wish her Happy Birthday  and then acting like she was having a wonderful day.   So sad!!!!  She came home from school and fell asleep on the couch.  She still seemed to be able to smile though. 

She is a trooper and still wanted to celebrate, even though she didn't eat very much.  For dinner she wanted  French Dip sandwiches,  salad, and corn. A pretty easy meal to make.  Everybody came to celebrate!

Matt taking a picture of me without my knowledge.  Since there isn't any other pictures of me this will have to do.

For Kara's birthday she wanted a Red Velvet cake bundt cake with cream cheese frosting. 

For her birthday she wanted Febreeze, isn't that so silly?  For gifts she also got,  A LOT of clothes, a hula hoop, jewelry, Rio, A Walk to Remember,   and Hunger games stuff !

The day after her birthday I took her to instant care as she looked and sounded horrible.  She had a fever of 102,  strep throat,  pink eye an a ear infection.  I can't remember the last time she was sick like this at all.  She started feeling better five days after it all started.  I am grateful for that as I hate seeing my children sick

 The things I want to remember the most about Kara at this age is what a fun, peaceful girl she is.  She has always been such a peacemaker in our home.  She gets very upset if there is any contention in our home.  I don't think I can remember the last time she had a fight with anyone in our family.  She loves everyone and treats them very kindly.   She is a very spiritual girl and always tries to do what is right and good.  She tries to be kind to everyone.  She doesn't let a day go by when she doesn't read her scriptures and say her prayers.  I think Kara is an amazing girl and I am so grateful to be her mom!!!! I love you Kara!!!