Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Day 5---Sea World

We got to Seaworld bright and early with EVERYONE ready to go!!!! It felt a little cooler than on the other days.  We started on the ride Journey to Atlantis.  It was fun, but we did get a little wet.  One of my biggest pet peeves is getting wet.  I just don't really love it at all.  It is highly overrated.  I need to always remember to bring a poncho.  Spencer and Matt both didn't want to go with us, go figure.

The exhibits and shows at Seaworld are the best of the best.  They have always been one of my favorites.  Btw, Spencer side stepped every picture I took.  How does he do that?

I love sea turtles.  I could look at them for hours!!!!

 Getting ready for the show with Shamu.   My favorite show of all times!!!!

Everyone wanted to go the Ship wrecked rapids ride except Spencer and I.  It was getting a little windy and I had already gotten wet in the morning. 

We ended our day with the Sea Lions Live. I love the sea lions, but the guy who started the show was a complete hoot!  I don't think I have been to a sillier show.

 We ended the day going to a restaurant we had received a gift card too.  Yummy food and great people to talk with = FUN!!!!   It is amazing how quick vacations go by.