Wednesday, December 29, 2010


For Christmas we went to some fun parties.  I started with an ornament party that my friend Makinzee hosted.  She invited a  lot of people from our neighborhood and it was fun to get to know more neighbors even better!

Then Matt and I went to an ugly sweater party that was so much fun.  We played a game called Beandazzled and that was something else!!!!

Then we had the ward party, followed by a few others that I can't remember.  Kara had a party with her friends at our home that was super fun too.

Finally  here are pictures from Christmas Eve and Christmas morning!

Christmas Eve night, I am reading a Christmas story.  Then we always watch a new Christmas movie.  This year it was kind of cheesy.  I will do better next year.

Our tree this year!

Christmas morning!

Everyone is in their new P.J's!

We read the Christmas story before we opened presents.  That can only be done when you have older kids, seriously.  They never could have waited before.

Christmas brunch!!!!   It was yummy.

More pictures of my chandelier so I could remember!